Routemaster Buses


Wedding Bus

Wedding Bus Hire

The big day is fast approaching, your wedding has to be perfect, every last detail needs to be attended to. You need to book the location, whether that is the traditional church or perhaps as in recent years somewhere a little different including getting married at the local football (soccer) stadium. Then there is the…

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Routemaster Bus Jigsaw

History of the Bus

The actual word ‘Bus’ is an a shortening of the Latin word ‘Omnibus’ which means ‘For All’. The first recorded incidence of an omnibus service was a horse drawn public omnibus service introduced by Blaise Pascal in Paris, France. The service lasted 15 years before being withdrawn because the cost of the service had become…

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The New Style Routemaster Buses

The Routemasters

On February 8th 1956, passengers boarded what was to become not only a national icon but an internationally recognisable symbol of Englishness along with the ‘Red Telephone Box’, the ‘Red Post Office Box’, the ‘Mini Cooper’, and ‘Big Ben’. That cold and snowy February morning back in 1956, the Route 2 departed from Golders Green…

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